
Monday, September 3, 2007

Are you Greek or Hebrew?

Here is your chance to play with this new fangled internet thing.  For those of you that were able to attend Sunday Night we talked about the idea that the Kingdom of God was not a matter of just talking and believing, but of power and activity.  Unfortunately the recording did not work Sunday so I am going to have to re-record the talk by myself in the next couple of days, which should be interesting and weird.  So if you were not there I do not have a recording for you yet.

If you were there I would like to hear from you (use comments below) about your thoughts on the ideas we shared.  Do you think we as followers of Christ have placed more importance on believing right than acting on it?  Examples?  Do you see this same trend in your life?  In what areas?  Is there anything that you are going to do (or have done) this week to move towards putting some flesh to belief?


  1. A very close friend of mine, and former pastor, recently came out of the closet.
    We all know the conversation of homosexuality and church is a violent one. Some think they know where Christianity stands, and some act out where they think Christianity stands (usually in bad taste)...
    Bottom line is Christ taught us to love people.
    So that's what I am choosing to do for my friend. Instead of piling further indirect condemnation on his head (ie; gossiping about what I think about him), I'm trying to put flesh onto the concept of loving him. If anyone has any concrete suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

  2. YES i absolutely believe that most Christians today put their main focus on "believing" right instead of "acting" right. But the paradox is that if we were really BELIEVING RIGHT, then we WOULD act right...right? I think its our misconceptions about what the Bible is really saying that cause us to "believe" but not BELIEVE. We fail to adopt the true meaning behind the belief systems we hype. If we really did believe the things that Jesus says, then it would change us...shape us into a new person. That would, in turn, alter our behavior and how we "act". So, when you ask if we're putting more focus on believing...then maybe the answer is we're not putting ENOUGH focus on believing...
