
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As 2010 comes to a close we wanted to do something that we don't do very often, talk about money. While we at Ekklesia are strong believers in the idea that we are called to be generous with the resources God has trusted us with as individuals, we also understand that there are many worthwhile groups and causes that many of you give to. We do not claim that we should be the recipients of all (or any) of your generosity. With that said, we also know that many of you have invested your resources in the mission of Ekklesia Hattiesburg and we wanted to give you all the information you might need regarding giving to Ekklesia during this Christmas season.

Please take a moment to look at our proposed 2011 Budget so you can be familiar with where your gifts are used.

This season there are two main areas to which you can give.
1) You can give to Ekklesia/Neighbors at Hawkins.
2) You can give gifts designated to the International Justice Mission as part of our special 2011 Christmas offering.

Ways to Give:
1) Check/Cash
a. We can accept checks or cash on Sunday Nights at the service. (Reminder that there will NOT be a service 12/26/10)
b. If gift is for International Justice Mission, then you can write the check to Ekklesia Hattiesburg, but put IJM in the memo line
c. Gifts can be mailed to Ekklesia Hattiesburg PO Box 641 Hattiesburg, MS 39403. (must be postmarked 2010 for 2010 tax credit to be given)

2) Automatic Debit -
a. We are able to automatic debits from your account to ours. This can be done one time or on a monthly recurring basis
b. We need a voided check and this FORM filled out and turned back in

3) Stocks/properties/ other non typical donations
Are best be given to our account with the Greater PineBelt Community Foundation. Let us know if you would like to make this kind of donation and we will make necessary arrangements.

We will be giving to the International Justice Mission. Find out more about their work to free young girls from sex trafficing. It takes an average of $15,000 to free one girl. Our goal is to try to raise enough to do just that this Christmas season.

See this video: IJM Gift of Freedom 2010 for encouragement to Spend Less, Give More, Love All & Worship Fully this season!

You can view other stories from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.
Peace Be With You!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Special Christmas Offering to International Justice Mission

You can give a designated gift by putting "IJM" in the memo line of your check written to Ekklesia Hattiesburg. Mail it in or turn it in on Sunday evenings.

IJM Gift of Freedom 2010 from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spend Less, Give More, Love All & Worship Fully with Us This Christmas

Last year we gave over $15,000 to build clean water wells in Haiti. This year we hope to help free young girls from slavery and sexual oppression by giving to the International Justice Mission.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Way of The Child for K-6th Grade

For the next 7 weeks our grade school children have an opportunity to experience The Way of the Child during our Public Meeting on Sunday nights through the season of Advent.

The Way of the Child recognizes that children have an innate spirituality with a natural acceptance of mystery, an amazing capacity for awe, a vital imagination, a longing to be their unique selves, and an ability to be open to and receive God's love.

The Way of the Child

  • Takes seriously and joyfully children's capacities, deep needs, and spirits
  • Leads children into a deeper relationship with God
  • Instills in children spiritual practices to form lifelong habits
  • Encourages children to respond to God in awe
  • Helps children embrace all of life, responding to God's call
  • Provides an experience of vital community

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Page on our website: PRACTICES

We at Ekklesia Hattiesburg have attempted to order our communal life around a few simple practices that we see as integral to our collective life as followers and imitators of Christ. Here are some short explanations for these practices.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Look over the opportunities for study and small groups this fall & sign up for one at this LINK!
Click on the picture of the book to order the books.

Sundays @ 10:30 am This women’s group will start Changes That Heal: Understanding Your Past for a Healthier Future at the home of Lindsay Price (415 Court Street) (Leader: Sharon Miles)

Sundays @ 5:10 pm Family Experience (Children & Parents). A teaching time for parents to join with their children. While it has mainly been directed towards preschoolers & younger children, all parents & children are welcome. We are working towards organizing an opportunity directed more for our grade school children. (Leader: Debbie Schmidt)

Tuesdays @8pm for COLLEGE Students at the home of John Laukkanen. This is a small group for college students. For this semester the group will watch a brief Nooma Video & discuss the faith related topic from the video. STARTS OCT. 12 (Leaders: John Laukkanen, David Bell & Emily Sheckles)

Wednesdays 6-7:30PM for YOUTH. This group will meet twice a month at the home of Steve and Margie Willis to give youth an opportunity to know one another and talk about their faith. STARTS OCT 13 (Leader: Steve Willis)

Wednesdays @ 11:45am @ Caliente Grill

Book Study (Men). This group has been meeting for a couple of years, but new people are welcome to join. They just started a new book: Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt.

The following will start OCT. 13 & meet:

Wednesdays @6:15 pm at Court Street. Childcare available.

MANNA & MERCY: A Brief History of God's Unfolding Promis to Mend the Entire Universe by Daniel Erlander. This is a theological overview of the Bible. (More of a class structure. Teacher: Mike Dixon) *We have the books already ($10)

Book Study on Living the Sabbath: Discovering the Rhythms of Rest & Delight Sabbath is one day a week when we should rest from our otherwise harried lives, right? In Living the Sabbath, Norman

Wirzba leads us to a much more holistic and rewarding understanding of Sabbath-keeping. Wirzba shows how Sabbath is ultimately about delight in the goodness that God has made--in everything we do, everyday of the week. With practical examples, Wirzba unpacks what that means for our daily lives at work, in our homes, in our economies, in school, in our treatment of creation, and in church. (Facilitator: Colbey Sparkman)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Catch up on this series on Isaiah 6 which reflects some of our practices as we gather together publicly for corporate worship and in our daily life.
Sept. 12 "Called Out By Grace"
Sept. 5 "Woe To Me"
August 29 "High And Lifted Up"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Ekklesia Band CD is here!

The Ekklesia Band's debut record, "Stories We Had Forgotten," marks a creative evolution of yesterday's most sacred songs, mixed with the band's own spontaneity and flavor. The album features 11-plus hymn arrangements marked by a broad blend of instruments and vocal melodies. $10 each can be purchased online or at Ekklesia's public meeting. Proceeds go to Neighbors at Hawkins. Mark your calendar for the CD Release Party August 27 @Rare Design

Become a fan
The Ekklesia Band

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Friday, August 6, 2010


Join us from 9am-noon as we help the teachers of Hawkins Elementary organize their classrooms and paint the cafeteria in preparation for the first day of school on Monday!
If you are coming let us know by completing this FORM.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Join us at 7pm at the Dixon home, 401 Walnut Street, for a movie and discussion. Tonight's movie: "The Invention of Lying"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Women's Small Group at Coffee Depot

This Sunday at 10:30am meet at the Coffee Deopt to discuss "Discovering your Holy Discontent". Contact Sharon Miles for more info.

PRAYER GATHERING starts THIS Sundays @ 5:10p

Starting this week come to the sanctuary at 5:10pm on Sundays to prayer for the weeks prayer requests, for our meeting and other concerns.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Urgent Choice for a Patient God, podcast of Luke 13:1-8

This week's message: "Urgent Choice for a Patient God". You can get any of the messages you missed here.

No Family Experience THIS WEEK, July 4

We will not have our family teaching time this week, July 4. Childcare will still be provided each week for our public meeting.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We've Made it Through Luke 12

This week we finished Luke 12:49-57 "Divisive Peacemaking". You can get any of the messages you missed here.

No Family Experience June 27 and July 4

We will not have our family teaching time this week, June 27 or on July 4. Childcare will still be provided each week for our public meeting.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


THIS WEEK: Wednesday, June 16 "BONHOEFFER"
Many of our small groups are not meeting for the summer, so in lieu of that meet at the Dixon house at 401 Walnut Street this summer at 7pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in June, July, and August.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Daily Lenten Prayer Emails

We will be posting daily Lenten prayer reminders during each day of Lent. If you would like to receive emails of these prayers please fill out the form below.

Daily Lenten Prayer Emails
* indicates required

Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday Night Schedule

Here is an update on Super Bowl Sunday.  We are going to start Sunday night at 5:30 SHARP!!! YES WE WILL ACTUALLY START AT 5:30!!!!!   and we will have a short service of prayer, a devotional thought, and communion together.  Then we will  all walk across the parking lot to the new totally undecorated Dixon House next to the church.  We will have a couple of screens showing the game from the beginning.  We will fast forward through the half time show and should be pretty much real time by the second half.  We would like everyone to bring a little something to the party.  You can let us know you are coming and tell us what you are bringing at the following link

See you Sunday - 5:30 Sharp!!!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday Form - Tell us if you're coming

Who Dat still meeting on Sunday Night?  Dat is us....

We are planning on meeting this Sunday Night and then all watching the Superbowl together from the beginning on tape delay.  If you are coming on Sunday Night, we need to know, so fill out this form and let us know.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Playing your part in the community

If you came out this past Sunday night, you heard a little but about who we are, what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how you can be involved in what is happening with Ekklesia Hattiesburg.  For those of you that were not there our podcast page will have the service up soon.  If you did not get a chance to fill out a paper form for participating then you can fill out the form below to put your name on a couple of dotted lines.

Or you can click on this link