If you did not get a chance to be there last Sunday night you can find the talk on our podcast page here. Here are some questions that will hopefully keep the conversation going during the week.
1) What was going through your mind/emotions as you hear the story that was read to start the night?
2) We talked about the Priest and Levite having a theology problem considering there were commands not to touch the dead/ bodily fluids, but there are also commands about caring for those in need. Do you feel like you experience problems like this with scripture sometimes? What do you do if you feel like the Bible might be telling you to do 2 different things?
3) Do you think the church today has their own "Samaritans"? (People that they avoid at all costs b/c they are seen as "unclean"somehow) How have you seen the church succeed or fail in their relationship to "Samaritans" What could they have done better?
4) In the story the most Christlike character is the most disliked character. Why do you think it might have been important for the Samaritan to be the one helping the man and not the other way around?
5) What are some of the practical implications of this controversial story for you as an individual follower of Christ, and for us as a community?
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