
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Questions from Sunday 6-14-09

If you were not with us you can catch last week's talk on our podcast page.  Here are some questions that will hopefully keep the conversation going.

Luke 10:16"He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."

1.) How would you react/feel hearing Jesus say this to you?  Does it seem like Good news, bad news, unrealistic....?

2.) Do you tend to see yourself as a person that represents God's words in this world?  Why or why not?

3.) Was there a time in your life when you felt confident speaking on behalf of God?  Have there been times when you felt totally unqualified?  Have you ever seen God really use something you have said?  Have you ever said something that you thought represented God, that you are now sure did not?

4.) What are some of the best or worst things you have heard said "in the name of God".

5.)  we talked about two safeguards against the dark side of speaking for God.  How do you see humility helping to protect us from the dangers we discussed? 

6.) How do you see the guiding question of , "Does it look like Jesus?" helping to protect us from the dangers we discussed?

7.) Mike mentioned the recent murder of a Doctor in Kansas as an example of a time and place where those safeguards could have changed things.  Can you think of specific instances in your life or the news where those two safeguards mentioned should have been in place?

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