We talked out of Luke 10 last night about the typical Father's Day topic of exorcism!
If you were not there last night than you can download the talk through itunes or directly from our website here.
Here are some questions that might help keep the conversation going a little bit.
1.) What is your initial reaction when you read in scripture about things like exorcism? If your honest would you say you tend to ignore them, think about them literally, or think about them symbolically?
2.) Do you feel like the images you have attached to things like exorcism, demons, etc are more influenced by popular culture, the Bible, things you have actually seen, or some combination if these? Explain...
3.) One thing we seem to know for sure from these passages is that the life of discipleship has power. Do you feel strange talking about power in regards to your Christian life? If so why? In what ways have you experienced the power of following Christ?
4.) Did the talk Sunday night cause you to think about things like exorcism any differently? How so? Was there anything in particular you found thought provoking, or any thing you think you disagree with? (and yes, as always, it is more than ok to disagree with something said on Sunday night)
5.) We talked about the fact that the Kingdom of God doesn't accupy the same space as the Kingdoms of this world. Do you feel comfortable sharing some ways in which you experience the tension in your own life of the two kinds of Kingdoms trying the push the other out?
6.) If we are all, in a sense, called to be exorcists (those who embody/help establish the Kingdom of God which pushes out all competing Kingdoms)... How do you see that playing out practically in your own life?