Sunday 4/1 @5:30pm (at Ekklesia)- Palm Sunday service and Baptism
Mon 4/2 @noon (University Baptist) - Holy Week Service & Lunch -
Ashley Gill teaching
Tues 4/3 @noon (University Baptist) - Holy Week Service & Lunch -
Michael Dixon teaching
Wed 4/4 @noon (University Baptist) - Holy Week Service & Lunch -
Rusty Edwards teaching
Thur 4/5 @noon (University Baptist) - Holy Week Service & Lunch -
Colbey Sparkman teaching
Thursday 4/5 @7:30pm - (University Baptist) Cooperative Maundy Thursday Service
Sunday 4/8 @5:30 (at Ekklesia) - Easter Sunday Service and Baptism
Sunday 4/8 @6:45 (at Ekklesia) - End of Lent Easter Potluck (immediately following Easter service)
Hope that you will join us for any and all of these events in the next couple of weeks!
Click Here for Directions to Ekklesia (mets at Court Street UMC)
Click Here for Directions to University Baptist Church