
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our Christmas Giving for 2011

We want to introduce you to Narges K. Ashtari, The Prishan Foundation, and the
Assist Orphanage for Girls

Each year we at Ekklesia adopt a special project overseas that we ask for
everyone to donate towards. This Christmas season we want to take the time
to think about how we might be able to most closely represent who and what
this Christmas season is really all about. We attempt as a community to
give sacrifically so that others might know the love of a God that would
come to earth for us. This year we have chosen to give toward building the
Assist Orphanage for Girls in Rayagada, India. Currentlly Narges K. Ashtari
(pictured above) and The Prishan Foundation are about halfway to their
$41,000 goal to build a home for 40 beautiful little girls who would not
otherwise have a place to live. You can read more about the project in an
interview done by Mark Langham and Conspiracy of Hope -Here.

We are asking you to consider giving sacrificially above and beyond your
typical gifts to this building project for Christmas. We have a chance to
make a huge difference in the lives of these girls. If you would like to
give you can bring a donation to our Sunday Night meeting or you can mail a
check to:
PO BOX 641
Hattiesburg, MS 39403

Make out checks to Ekklesia Hattiesburg and be sure to indicate in the memo
line what the gift is for.
Thanks for being a part of making this dream a reality -

The girls from The Assist Orphanage thank you as well!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hawkins Day of Service

Our Hawkins students recently collected toiletries and then created self care kits to be distributed to local shelters.
Great Job Guys!
Hawkins Day of Service

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


To Celebrate our 4th Year as a community of faith we are going to hold our public meeting at Hawkins Elementary this Sunday. Same time, 5:30pm, but NOT at Court Street. Please stick around after the service for a potluck dinner.

Let us know you are coming and if you are bringing anything to the Potluck asap by filling out this FORM and/or responding to the Facebook event. Feel free to invite a friend or friends!
Although there will be NO Family Experience before the service, we WILL have childcare during the service.

Hawkins is located at 526 Forrest Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. Behind the Hattiesburg Public Library on Hardy. From Hardy Street take Green Street to Hawkins.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Children Serving at Edwards Street August 6

Saturday, August 6, 10am-2:30pm
Our grade school children will meet at Court Street at 10am to go serve together at Edward Street Fellowship Center in the garden and food pantry. They will have lunch together & then go bowling! Bring a sack lunch and $5. Let us know if your child will participate in this day of service and fun! Email

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Diaper Shower! SUNDAY, June 12

We have 3 new babies coming this summer. We'd like to help the expecting parents by giving them some diapers and wipes. Please mark your calendar to bring a pack of diapers or wipes (unwrapped) on Sunday, June 12. We'll have some refreshments from 5-5:30pm if you want to come early to congratulate them!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SUNDAY, May 15 COOK-OUT/PUBLIC MEETING at Kamper Park 4:30pm

Meet for our annual Cook-Out at Kamper Park at 4:30pm in the evening instead of our usual lunch gathering. We cannot meet at Court Street on this particular Sunday, so we are going to play at Kamper Park instead! We'll provide the burgers/dogs, buns & paper products. BELOW IS THE SIGN UP FORM TO SHARE WHAT YOU WILL BRING. Go HERE to find out what others are bringing.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday Night Cook-Out!

Join us THIS Friday at 6:30pm for a Family Friendly evening of good food, great conversation, games and maybe an opportunity to show off those dance moves you've learned from Just Dance Wii!:) Please let us know you are coming asap by filling out this form or responding to the Facebook event. Please feel free to invite a friend or friends! To see who's bringing what go HERE

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ideas for Lenten Promises

Give Up:

1. Food Item (sweets, fried food, meat, etc.)

2. Television

3. Say "NO" to something that is a waste of money & time.

4. The need to be right.

5. Grabbing the best parking spot. Let someone else have it, and the walk will do you good.

6. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace

7. Buying things for yourself.

8. Smoking

9. Stop listening to depressing music or talk radio& enjoy silence or something uplifting

10. Alcohol, soft drinks, etc.

11. Complaining about where you are in life. Stop whining about how great things were there, and thinking "I will be happy when..." Be content and make today better.

12. Let go of the grudges and stop rehearsing the past events. Forgive those who have hurt you.

Start Something:

1. Commit yourself to a small group or meeting weekly with a friend who encourages you in your faith.

2. Use your blinker. Drive the speed limit.

3. Pause before you speak. Listen more than you speak.

4. Tell the Truth.

5. Clean up after yourself.

6. Be early.

7. Tip big.

8. Start Recycling from your home or place of work.

9. Find a way to go to bed earlier, so you get enough rest.

10. Set aside 15 minutes a day to Be still and Know that You are NOT God.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Way of the Child STARTS THIS SUNDAY!

For the next 8 weeks our grade school children have an opportunity to experience The Way of the Child during our Public Meeting on Sunday nights through the season of Lent.
Meeting in the FELLOWSHIP HALL at 5:30pm.

The Way of the Child recognizes that children have an innate spirituality with a natural acceptance of mystery, an amazing capacity for awe, a vital imagination, a longing to be their unique selves, and an ability to be open to and receive God's love.

The Way of the Child

  • Takes seriously and joyfully children's capacities, deep needs, and spirits
  • Leads children into a deeper relationship with God
  • Instills in children spiritual practices to form lifelong habits
  • Encourages children to respond to God in awe
  • Helps children embrace all of life, responding to God's call
  • Provides an experience of vital community
Parents please sign up to bring a snack for 10-12 children one week during the season HERE (Coordinator: Rebecca Lauderdale, )

Ekklesia Retreat March 25-26

Starting with dinner on Friday from 5:30-6:30pm with the first session starting at 7pm and ending on Saturday around 2:30pm.

The retreat is $25 per Adult, with a $60 Maximum for a family.

The price includes lodging and 3 meals.

We will have childcare and fun children's activities when the adults are in a session (1 on Friday night and 2 on Saturday). This weekend is fun and relaxing for all ages. We'll have a bonfire, eat good food, rest and play together.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ekklesia Retreat March 25-26

Starting with dinner on Friday from 5:30-6:30pm with the first session starting at 7pm and ending on Saturday around 2:30pm.

The retreat is $25 per Adult, with a $60 Maximum for a family.

The price includes lodging and 3 meals.

We will have childcare and fun children's activities when the adults are in a session (1 on Friday night and 2 on Saturday). This weekend is fun and relaxing for all ages. We'll have a bonfire, eat good food, rest and play together.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SOUP-ER BOWL Part at the Dixons

Walk over to the Dixon home after our service Sunday night for food and the TiVo'd Super Bowl. Sign up to bring soup, chips/dip or desserts HERE. You can see who is bringing what so far by clicking this LINK.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 Week Small Group Opportunity!

Right now, we are just offering a group on Monday evenings, but if you'd like to participate let us know another evening or two that might work better for you in the form below. We have other people willing to host a group on another evening.