
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As 2010 comes to a close we wanted to do something that we don't do very often, talk about money. While we at Ekklesia are strong believers in the idea that we are called to be generous with the resources God has trusted us with as individuals, we also understand that there are many worthwhile groups and causes that many of you give to. We do not claim that we should be the recipients of all (or any) of your generosity. With that said, we also know that many of you have invested your resources in the mission of Ekklesia Hattiesburg and we wanted to give you all the information you might need regarding giving to Ekklesia during this Christmas season.

Please take a moment to look at our proposed 2011 Budget so you can be familiar with where your gifts are used.

This season there are two main areas to which you can give.
1) You can give to Ekklesia/Neighbors at Hawkins.
2) You can give gifts designated to the International Justice Mission as part of our special 2011 Christmas offering.

Ways to Give:
1) Check/Cash
a. We can accept checks or cash on Sunday Nights at the service. (Reminder that there will NOT be a service 12/26/10)
b. If gift is for International Justice Mission, then you can write the check to Ekklesia Hattiesburg, but put IJM in the memo line
c. Gifts can be mailed to Ekklesia Hattiesburg PO Box 641 Hattiesburg, MS 39403. (must be postmarked 2010 for 2010 tax credit to be given)

2) Automatic Debit -
a. We are able to automatic debits from your account to ours. This can be done one time or on a monthly recurring basis
b. We need a voided check and this FORM filled out and turned back in

3) Stocks/properties/ other non typical donations
Are best be given to our account with the Greater PineBelt Community Foundation. Let us know if you would like to make this kind of donation and we will make necessary arrangements.

We will be giving to the International Justice Mission. Find out more about their work to free young girls from sex trafficing. It takes an average of $15,000 to free one girl. Our goal is to try to raise enough to do just that this Christmas season.

See this video: IJM Gift of Freedom 2010 for encouragement to Spend Less, Give More, Love All & Worship Fully this season!

You can view other stories from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.
Peace Be With You!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Special Christmas Offering to International Justice Mission

You can give a designated gift by putting "IJM" in the memo line of your check written to Ekklesia Hattiesburg. Mail it in or turn it in on Sunday evenings.

IJM Gift of Freedom 2010 from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spend Less, Give More, Love All & Worship Fully with Us This Christmas

Last year we gave over $15,000 to build clean water wells in Haiti. This year we hope to help free young girls from slavery and sexual oppression by giving to the International Justice Mission.