Many of us learned a couple of years ago that these pesky little hurricanes can put a serious crimp in your life. One of the core principles of what we are attempting to live out in Ekklesia is the idea of really living life together as a family. Part of being a family is being sure that everyone is taken care of in difficult times. So we want to make sure all of our ducks are in a row for the hurricane that is potentially going to come our way. If you can please take the time to read respond to the following:
1) We will meet this Sunday Night unless the hurricane arrives a day earlier than predicted. It shouldn't be here until Monday, so plan on coming out on sunday Night
2) We would like you "ekklesiers" to let us know whether you will be in town as well as some other pivotal information. PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM BELOW AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE. (if you have problem with this link just cut and paste the address below the hurricane preparedness guide at the bottom of the email) You can also find this same form to fill out on our webpage
3) During hurricanes it is often easier to phone long distance than locally. It is recommended that you have long distance contact that you can leave information with. We have a ministry contact that has volunteered to be that contact person for Ekklesia. This means that if the hurricane hits and local calls are difficult then anyone from Ekklesia who would like to let everyone know they are ok, or that they have pressing needs can leave a message with the following contact.
Mark Gallagher
Christian Student fellowship
Indiana State University (812)-232-6853
4) Here are some other links to material that might be helpful to you. It will help to get you prepared if the hurricane comes this way.
MEMA's Gustav Preparation Letter
Hurricane Preparedness Guide