Here is a link to the pictures from the weekend with the missions team from Alabama. Thanks for all that you did in regards to hosting the team and participating in the week.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Pictures from Mission Weekend
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Help Hosting a Missions Group!
On June 14th and 15th Ekklesia will welcome the Clearview Baptist
"Road Rules Mission Trip" to the Pine Belt. This group of Senior High
youth from Birmingham, AL are venturing to explore what it means to
literally "be the church". Instead of going to summer camp or relaxing
on the beach they're jumping on a charter bus and heading to
Hattiesburg, New Orleans, Panama City and Atlanta. Their goal is
simple: to meet the needs that cross their path. We will focus our
energy on renovation projects at Court Street and Hawkins. There are
still a few project manager slots to fill. Let me know ( ) if you're
available to help out. Here's the plan for Hattiesburg on the 14th and
15th of June.
Saturday, June 14th
12:30- Arrive at Court Street for potluck Lunch Hosted by Ekklesia-
Project Manager- Kate Northrop
1:30- 5:30 Work at project sites
Court Street-
Men's Restroom ( new commode/ paint) Project
Manager- Melanie Fink
Women's Restroom- (new commode/ paint) Project
Manager- Jennifer Willis
Courtyard- (upgrade) Project Manager -Steve Willis
Playground- (remove a gate and old AC unit) Project
Manager- TBA
Fellowship Hall/ Shelf- (float a wall/ paint shelf)
Project Manager-Jonathan Krebs
Choir/Class Room- (replacing tiles in the ceiling)
Project Manager- TBA
Hawkins Elementary-
Office- (painting) PM- Lindsey Smith
2nd grade classroom- (over haul) PM- Margie Willis
Clothes Closet- PM- (dysfunctional to functional)
Stephanie Willis
6:00pm- Dinner at Letha's feel free to join us but its your treat!
8:00pm- Commissioning service at Court Street
Sunday Morning
9:30- Meet at McCarty Park!! (games, crafts, hotdogs, chips)
10:00- 12:00 Family Fun at McCarty Park
Project Managers- Aaron Robinson & Melissa Cirino
12:30- Lunch hosted by friends at Court Street!
1:30- 3:30 Finish projects!!!
3:30- 4:45- R&R You've earned it!
5:00- Ekklesia!!!
8:00- Laser Tag