
Monday, March 31, 2008

Diaper Fellowship!


We will be having a diaper fellowship for the Evans family and the Hampton family. So please bring out a pack of diapers to give to them to help them get ready for their new editions. We will start eating and hanging out before the meeting on Sunday night - grab some diapers and come on out!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Coming up on the Calendar


Here is what is coming up the next couple of weeks. We hope you will join us this week and next week for our Easter events. Hopefully we will see you there!

Sun. 3/16 - Bruce Case will teach at our weekly meeting

Thurs. 3/20 – Living Last Supper @ 7pm

Fri. 3/21 – Joint Good Friday Service with Ekklesia & Court Street Methodist @ 7pm

Sun. 3/23 – Easter Service (5:30) followed by community potluck meal in the Court Street Fellowship Hall

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

God in the Unexpected

SpyglassmediumWe had the opportunity to hear Colbey talk to us about the encounter between the Samaritan woman at the well and Jesus in John 4.  One of the things she pointed out was the unexpected nature of finding God at that particular time and place.  Often we have certain place we expect to find God, when in fact we actually more often encounter God in unexpected places.

So let's here from you this week.  What are some unexpected places you have been seeing God recently?