As many of you know we have decided as a community (well at least some of us within the community) to read through the Bible together. We chose to do this over the next two years. Beginning in January we will read through the Bible chronologically (in order of when most scholars think the books were written - which is not necessarily the order we find them in our Bible, which sometimes groups books by type of literature and not chronology)
We are also offering three books to serve as reference material for those who want to do the study three books are How to Read the Bible for All it's Worth, How to Read the Bible Book by Book, and a Bible Dictionary all for $25.
The last week of each month we will have a few different times and places for people to meet and talk about what we read that month (those times and places will be posted later)
If you are interested in being getting the books for this study please email me and let me know. If you would like to see the reading calendar just download the following fileDownload 2_year_chronological_schedule.pdf