I wanted to put something out there personally that might help explain what is going on with my participation in Ekklesia. Hopefully this will snuff out whatever rumor mills or gossip may be going around.
I think I told most of you, after my resignation from FBC, that I was wanting to stay active in serving in our community. To that end I formed a ministry (originally called Charis Community Ministries) that would give me a place to accept some funds to attend some conferences and organize some work around Hattiesburg. I also set up some bi-monthly meetings with others in town who were interested in talking through theology, ministry, etc. We had ministers from other churches plus lay people who wanted to take part in the talks. This group proved to be invaluable to my growth during this time.
I learned a ton in my time at FBC and am extremely thankful for the experiences I had with the community and Christ at my job there. On the other hand I felt certain there was something else I was supposed to be doing next. I felt that I was suppose to find a new expression of community that might represent a different part of the same Body of Christ in Hattiesburg. I feel that this desire has become more focused through my time away from vocational ministry, and now I am ready to begin whatever comes next.
Enter Ekklesia Hattiesburg. Last month a group of people (some of whom where a part of those bi-monthly meetings) and myself decided to take the next step. We have adopted the name Ekklesia (translated in the Bible as “church” literally means “Called Out Ones”) and started organizing ourselves into a simple ministry that will attempt to give a new expression of Christian community in Hattiesburg. We are organizing ourselves around our perceived call to serve those in need, and have chosen Hawkins Elementary to be the focus of our attentions during this time, in order to avoid talking about ministry in such broad terms that we don’t make a difference anyplace in particular. We are going to try to organize an ongoing relationship with the school and (hopefully) partnering with others to change the lives of the students and faculty there.
Additionally we have decided to begin gathering together weekly for a small worship service in each other's homes. This public meeting is not the focus of the community, but will hopefully serve to be a place from which we are sent out. We are by no means recruiting for our Sunday meetings, but I know that there are no secrets in Hattiesburg and wanted to put this out before people start talking. I also know that once we begin meeting weekly, we are then talking about the "C" word (church) that everyone has been dying to gossip about. I know that the entire town is a little sensitive to the whole church split idea because of recent local church history and I consequently felt like it would be wise to try and explain what is happening to whoever is interested in knowing.
It feels important for me to say very clearly that I love FBC. I love the people I served with and worshipped with there. I would not be doing what I am doing now if I had not been at FBC. It helped give birth to what I consider (rightly or wrongly) to be my call in life right now. In my mind FBC helped give birth to this new work (although there is no official connection). In my mind we are different parts of the same body and as such are partners in the overarching call to all followers of Christ. I know that ultimately I can not control what people think about this, or what anyone else says about it. I guess I just wanted to go on record saying that I love FBC and pray that God continues to work there. I hold no ill feeling towards FBC and If I can help at FBC I will. This next step for me is not a reactionary one and I will try to be careful to make sure people know that.
The last thing I want is to for people to have the impression that we are trying to draw attention, resources, or people from anyone else’s flock. We are not trying to compete with any of our brothers and sister’s in Christ. We are just trying to do our part in building the Kingdom of God here as it is in heaven. If you have any further questions, or if you are interested in putting your name in the hat to help out at Hawkins Elementary this year then you can email me. Additionally any information you might need should be available at www.ekklesiahattiesburg.com (or at least it should be there soon)